
Athlete’s Birthdate: 2011- 2012

Program Days: Saturday, Sunday and Wednesday evening.

The U14 Competitive Team focuses on advanced ski development and racing skills with the introduction of competitive skiing in a fun environment. The participants in the U14 program will compete in 3-4 races in the season at ski hills located in the Maritime Provinces.

All race fees, accommodation and travel costs associated with away races are not included in the cost of the program. Racers are required to have a U14 Competition Card.

This program will begin as soon as possible in December & will run to the end of March. Training will take place Saturday and Sunday starting at 8am, Wednesday night (6pm-9pm).

Our U14 Team normally holds one or two 3-day camps over the Christmas break but camps are offered based on sufficient participation levels.

U14 Fees For Season
U14 Registration – 2 days + Wed. evening: $TBD

Alpine Canada fee : $139.70

Ski NB fee : $50.00